Who Am I 

Hello! I’m Raelan Agle, an author, YouTuber, and soon-to-be podcaster. Over the past 4 years, I’ve produced over 400 YouTube videos, amassing nearly 3 million views—and the numbers keep growing.

My mission is to empower you with the tools needed for recovery from conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and long-haul COVID, without having to spend months (or years) looking for answers or having to spend a fortune in the process. There’s a lot of information out there and often that information overload is what keeps you from success. Check out this video where I show you how to zero in and find what you need for you.

My Journey With ME/CFS 

My intimate understanding of ME/CFS is not just professional—it’s personal. Not only have I personally lived with ME/CFS, I also grew up with a mother who had this debilitating condition. She got sick when I was 5 years old and remained sick for the duration of her life.

Perhaps as a response to witnessing her limitations, I dedicated myself to living as fully as possible. I was always working, was pursuing multiple university degrees, and often worked out 6 times a week, sometimes up to 3 hours per day. I traveled, I partied, and I pushed myself to my absolute limits. I never rested. Somehow despite my mother’s struggles, it seems I thought I was invincible.

At 30 years old, after a bad flu that just didn’t seem to want to go away, I, too, was eventually diagnosed with ME/CFS. Getting ME/CFS, after what I’d seen my mother go through, felt like a death sentence. I was terrified, overwhelmed, depressed, anxious, and in shock. I had to quit my job, take a long-term disability leave from university, stop going to the gym, stop socializing, and stop doing pretty much everything else I was used to doing. I would curl up on the bathroom floor some days and just cry uncontrollably. I felt like I had been kidnapped from my life and I just wanted my old life back so badly.

And no one had answers. All my medical tests came back normal and my GP told me I was fine. As I continued to search for a way out of this, I did everything under the sun that both conventional and alternative medicine told me to do to get better and it didn’t get me very far.

After a couple of years of this, I stopped believing I was going to get better. I stopped trying. My marriage ended and I had to move back home with my father. I was in a really hopeless place — I was single, lonely, and undateable, I was sure. No one would ever want me or love me again. My whole identity, both the one I’d had and the one I’d been trying to build prior to getting sick felt like they were no longer in reach for me.

But as time passed and my frustration with this horrible chronic illness approached its limits, I reached a pivotal moment. I transitioned from feeling like I should get serious about recovery again to knowing I MUST. With renewed determination, I devised a new plan for recovery. Though the journey was longer and more challenging than anticipated, I fully recovered after about two years on this new path, marking a decade since my diagnosis.

This profound experience reshaped me. I no longer yearned for my previous life but emerged as someone new—someone I truly admire. And this new version of myself is passionately committed to supporting others on their paths to recovery.

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